S.C FAURAR S.R.L Targoviste has been in the business of creating specific documentations, machinery fitting, service, maintenance and repairs for technical and industrial machinery that is being used in potential explosive atmosphere and INSEMEX rectifications and certifications for 12 years. The company was first accredited on January 21st 2004.

The technical ventilation documentation and INSEMEX certification documentation are being fulfilled according to the INSEMEX certificate: GANEx.Q.2016.(07).12.0302, from which results that we are able to provide the following:

-specific documentation fulfillment, machinery fitting, service, maintenance and repairs for technical and industrial machinery that is being used in potential explosive atmosphere, NEx 01 standard, specific documentation for ventilation installation maintenance NVIV 01-06.

-All documentation for the rescue stations will be provided according to Notification no 1/2013 released by INSEMEX Petrosani - for releasing technical clearance notice and functioning documentation for rescue stations in potential toxic/explosive/flammable environments.

-Technical consulting for documentation and factors resulted from ITM check-ups, for gas stations,(about the INSEMEX certification documentation) will be granted as stated by the Accreditation Certificate MMFPS no 6943/20.03.2013. Please note that our company has had this certification in Health & Work Security industry since 2001.

FAURAR company also has the Authorization: A no. 0202/12.08.2010 which grants the ability to design the signaling systems and installations, fire alarms and signaling. The authorization is released by the Administration and Interns Ministry - Emergency Situations Inspectorate. Our company also has the Authorization: A no. 0204/13.08.2010 which grants the ability to design the fire-out and containment systems, released by the Administration and Interns Ministry - Emergency Situations Inspectorate.

Quality Services assurance is provided by the ISO 9001 no 2100 Certificate, released by the Quality Assurance Romanian Society for activities in the Work field's Health and Security industry, protection against fires and emergency situations, for activities underwent in normal and explosive environments, certification granted to our company since 2004, the last re-certification being granted in 2013.


Our company has striven for

Creating a data base and a specialized library containing a wealth of technical and juridical materials in the field of work protection.

Initiating specialized activities in co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dambovita County.

Being able to perform specialized services for different companies through consistent contracts.

Selecting a group of experts in this field.

Permanent co-operation with the control forums of the state in this field of activity.


To ensure the high quality and proper fulfilment of its contracts, the company uses

High-tech computers and other electronic equipment

Categories of authorized personnel(across the entire country)

A comprehensive data base and specialized library

Operational procedures specific to the legislation in force

Taking into account its personnel and its data basis that are available, the Company has performed activities of : « Evaluation of risks in case of accidents and ocupational diseases at the main work places in different factories » ,elaborated « The technical documentation necessary to the certification whose main purpose is to guarantee the essential requirements applicable to the technical equipment ».

Our company has also provided consulting services in the field of work security ( work protection cards, work protection briefing, exhibition of work protection instructions, programmes of preventing work accidents) for S.C. Hotel Dambovita S. A. and for Agroforest prod Impex S. A. Bucuresti, and so on.

Our company is an authorized deliverer of Work Protection regulations and technical security cards in Dambovita county in accordance with a co-operation contract signed with the National Institute of Work Protection Research Bucharest.

The company FAURAR S.R.L. has elaborated « The documentation necessary to obtain the Conformity Certificate of equipments in dangerous Ex areas ». This documentation led to the the fact that I.N.S.E.M.E.X. Petrosani has issued « The Ex Conformity Certificates ». The FAURAR company has also performed services of : « ELABORATION, IMPLEMENTATION, INTEGRATION AND INSTRUCTION FOR IMPLEMENTING AND INTEGRATING A MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF HEALTH AND WORK SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OHSAS 18001: 1999 STANDARD AND WITH THE ROMANIAN LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS ».